пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

angeles los party space

note from ur boring ` author x3 : okei yes i decided to call it "follow me" for sum reason. I rly wanted to start it today but didnt hav an idea for a title so fer sum reason i named it like dat cuz i was thinking about da theme song on zoey 101 o.o ;; yes apparently i hav weird tastes in names :3 so�i guess all of you "non-existant" readers read my notice. And if chu didnt. DUDE WHYY YOU YOU READING THIS THEN? D: ROFLMAOKJKSADJKSAJDLASKDJ ;; okei random. O.o tym to go on wif da story� <3 xD

chapter 1 : kairi -

is it possible to fall in love wif sumone dat lives in such a different world than you? of course it is silly :D but .. Ima give chu proof too ^^ ;;
a girl wif a heart of gold always wearing a smile crosses ur path and sees�a young boy�wif a sad expression. She seems rly bright and beautiful wif long flowing brunette hair. "wats wrong" she asks. Then�da boy�replied "im lost. D: " and she goes.. "aww. D: dont worry. Ill be here for you :] and ill stay wif you til ur parents come and find you. They must be worried by nao xD�" da young boy started wimpering .. "but.. Wat if they dont want me? D: wat if they forgotten about me." da girls smile started to get softer but still a strong smile.. "dont think like dat. I kno dat theres no such things as a parent dat doesnt want his or her kid. Cuz.. Their kids are more special to them than all da riches in da world." da boy looked into da girls deep blue eyes.. Da girl replys�"dont worry. Ill be wif you until you no longer need me xD " ...
-flashback ovr -
she woke up wif da same surprise as she did da other nights. "woah.. It was dat dream again.. O.o"
-turns narration to first person "kairi aka main character/heroine :D"-
hai. My name is kairi. And ive been getting these strange dreams lately..
ive been seeing myself as a younger person always helping these boys find their way.
but sumhow it feels like evry dream is trying to tell me sumthing...

p.s. Yes ive noticed ive been having "narration problems" i was planning to make this story completely third peson limited until i realized i didnt kno how to start da story . -.- ;; so ima be switching narration around from character to character. And plx forgive my noobiness wif evrything i write :3 - bubblesx3
angeles los party space, angeles los party store, angeles los party store supply.

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