вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

auction memorabilia nazi sale

Back at Uni properly now, and working on two films, the sagas of each I shall recount to you now.

Film one
is about... I donapos;t actually know what itapos;s about. It started as a story about a neurotic old woman believing that the world is coming to an end (inspired by the whole apos;War of the Worldsapos; radio broadcast thing), went via a road movie and a realtime thing, and ended up, in its latest form, as a tale about a jaded stepsister looking for her outcast stepbrother for some hedonistic thrills at the end of the world. Saying that, the way Group One is going... It could be about anything by now, as theyapos;ve had a few hours to do their usual trick and change everything. Main problem with Group One is the director; he seems to have decided that cynicism and a sardonic streak a mile long somehow makes him winsome and endearing and so lounges, bored and incommunicative, through production meetings before launching into a tirade about what he doesnapos;t like while failing to offer any solutions as to how we could make the film something he does like. He claims to hate people and have no interest in interpersonal dynamics or working with actors and yet is still dead set on directing... Hmm. I should probably thank him, though, for aiding my personal development as a Producer by sparking the revelation that sometimes you have to be a right bitch to make sure that the job gets done... Because itapos;s your job to be the one who can come out with statements like "Thatapos;s all very well, Director, but we canapos;t go up infront of the commissioning board and say "We donapos;t have a film, but we do have a list of things Mr. Director doesnapos;t likeapos;. So what weapos;re going to do is let the writer write what ever the hell it is moves her to write and make that, because if you keep tearing her down every production meeting weapos;re going to end up with no script, and you will either get behind the project and offer constructive criticism or I shall find another Director whoapos;s at least semi professional about all of this"... Not that that helps much as then he starts crying and saying "Well, fire me then, thatapos;s what you all want" and everyone feels shitty for daring to question him and paints me as the villain for coming out with the hard truths, but hey, sometimes you have to be the bad guy...

Film two is set in the future and centres on a world where religious extremism has continued to develop and atheist anarchists have emerged wishing to just end all religions, where our hero, in order to escape his segregated ghetto and be reuinted with his wife who is of a different faith, breaks into the church where he was married and steals a crucifix... Not the best plan when anti-religious protestors are tearing said church down. This group has been a joy to work with - barring the fact that our soundman has upped and left, wanting an easy ride through the year where he can just be someoneapos;s assistant rather than shoulder responsibility... He doesnapos;t want to be here, but is settling for riding out the year as easily as possible so he can keep nipping back to his girlfriend in Prague. Which is fair enough.

Both films are being presented to another development committee today, so fingers crossed that goes well.

My main problem at the moment is, predictably, being a film maker in a time of economic crisis. Iapos;m a little broke, to say the least (I have �1.40 to do me until my wages come in and am currently feeling like a shitty girlfriend for sponging off He-we-shall-call-Mal until then...) and professional funding is a little hard to come by unless you can prove youapos;ve secured money elsewhere... Plus the University has shafted us somewhat by insisting on a 10 minute short when most funding bodies want something 24 minutes or longer... Ho-hum.

In other news, Mal and I are living together officially - it will be 2 months November 1st.

Cinema stuff...
- Both Tropic Thunder and Pineapple Express are hillarious, Tropic Thunder especially as itapos;s a razor sharp satire on how film works which manages to be genuinely side-splittingly funny and on-point at the same time.

- Mutant Chronicles is shit, but amusing shit. You can tell the writer and production designers wish they were doing 40k, and can make a drinking game out of "suicide by grenade".

- Mirrors was surprisingly good.

- I am grateful to Games Workshop for improving many shit films; Mal and I have discovered that you can relate pretty much anything to 40k and thus render something awful hugely amusing as youapos;re prodding each other and making stupid references <3

Fandom Stuff
Am 3 episodes in to�BSG Season 4, and somewhat disappointed thus far.

More thoughts on that, though, when Iapos;m not dashing off to�a commissioning meeting...

Wish me luck
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